Thursday, October 8, 2015

Meandering frivolity

Every once in a while I think I should have something astonishing to say here. The studio work, some local food/simplicity issues, and some fooling around, hardly a deeply thoughtful place to spend your time. I have been reading comments on the blogs that I follow, most of them with a decent number of followers and readers. I discovered that hardly anyone posts a comment and if they do, it is usually along the lines of "loved your post" or "beautiful photo". This indicates to me that a deeply thoughtful blog is not high on anyone's 'got to go there' list.
Happily, that allows me continue to be foolish and have fun whenever I want to. Steve turned 50 five years ago. I finally organized his surprise party.
Often men don't have a huge pile of close friends to contact. Luckily, Steve has a nice group of friends who came and ate their faces off. Lucas' (in the polka dots) friend Kari did the catering and she made amazing pulled pork sandwiches, veggies in phylo, and a great cheese plate. Everything was so delicious. We picked up a selection of goodies from The Old Apothacary, a new to us bakery.(here) (you must go visit, it is all very, very tasty and the room upstairs is delightful.)
Oops, foggy photo, but that is Lucas and Kari standing beside Steve as he is probably telling some tall tale.
24 hours later I was in Oakville at a fundraiser with my brother Vincent, sister in law Isabelle and my mom, Riky. The food was Indian and very yummy. Elephants were on sale. You can see a little goldy one beside my mom.

Mom and I returned to Toronto and had a nice time shopping for knitting wool, going to the St. Lawrence Market's antique section, knitting with her friends and relaxing with good books. Three days later I was in Ottawa, having taken the train. No one sat beside me for 4 hours. It was luxury.

Phoebe presents to you, for your edification, how an Ikea couch has magical elements.

This is where I slept. It was a happy reunion and then.... she woke up with bed bug bites all over her legs. The building was being treated and it seemed that every bug had run to Phoebe's apartment. Her place had just been fully cleaned and painted, floors and counters repaired and resanded and most of the furniture is brand new. So Phoebe had just the minimal treatment done in her place. Poor Phoebe was so distraught. We spent the remainder of my visit laundering Everything fabric, including her Eoyere.
I gave him a private bath of his own. Doesn't he looked stressed. We managed to have good fun while tending this job. We folded completely bug free linens and clothes while watching a fun show, went out to dinner a couple of times, had walks to get away from the mess and went apple picking with two of her friends. The three of them had a 'corn kernal' fight while we walked the corn maze. I walked along behind them, inciting poor behaviour by making derisive comments. Rule: No throwing corn at the mother. We bought some fantastic doughnuts cooked in apple cider. Holy smokes! Two huge bags of apples came home with us, and Phoebe is currently making cider and apple sauce. She is much happier now, the bugs seem to have been conquered.

Now I am back home, hopefully returning to a routine and studio practice. All this jocularity will have to get serious. Ya think that will work?

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