Monday, January 12, 2015

Moving to Tuesdays and Antimacassar done

Hello all you fabulous people. Just a heads up before I begin to really get into today's writing, I am going to move to Tuesdays for new posts. In the winter, I am up at 5:00 a.m. on Mondays to walk down to the homeless shelter and by the time I get back home, eat and suit up, I am pretty tired. I found myself staring for 5 minutes at a photo and going into lala land.

In the interests of possibly being interesting, Tuesdays, starting next week will be the day to visit.

I have finished the Antimacassar challenge. No idea if the other ladies have even started, although I heard rumours that stitching is happening to a deep purple velvet.

I have cut holes into the lace veil, machine embroidered them with free motion stitches and then hand stitched in various ways. There is lace bits or sheer fabrics added over top of each other and a shiny yarn couched down randomly making curves and circles. I've added beads and stitching into curves and along edges.
Some of the holes are filled in with hand stitching or beads.
This is the bottom corner of the triangle veil. I've added the weight of bullion knots and beads to help keep the veil from flying upwards.
Sometimes I stitched outside the lines, as at the top right, and sometimes I pulled the stitching tight as in the left corner, to get ripples.
Over Christmas I became a little bored with all the white and had a real urge for colour.

I settled on this group of colours and began a small applique project. I used an image from Gloria Freshly (blog address here) and then went my own way.

This is heading into finished and I am going to try making this into a pouch/bowl. I will take pictures as I figure it out to show you all.

For my good friend in Turkey Every Christmas, my two children are read 'The Night Before Christmas' by Steve. I've had this book since I was two and it has been read out loud every year for over 50 years. But this photo, the one that isn't blurry, shows the book "Bear's Christmas Vacation" that has been read to the kids for about 22 years.

Steve and Phoebe are already in their pajamas, ready for bed, but Lucas likes to wear his tie all day long. Once the reading was done, the kids make up a scotch for 'Santa' along with a nice cookie or two. Since they are older now, they head up to bed with their own drink and cookies, but the myth has to be preserved or the next morning the presents (or as Phoebe says "PRESENTS!") aren't as exciting.

See you all next Tuesday.

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