Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Camping, sort of

When you look at this picture, you might allow yourself to be a bit jealous. This is the view I have when practicing yoga or doing icky exercises.  There is a spruce, a Scotch pine, an alder and a birch, and the edge of the bunkhouse. 
I did not take this photo, and wasn't going to include it, but it does prove that I am not a liar about the photo above. This is the deck we build things on, hang things to dry and sometimes watch the stars.

August we usually spend as many days as we can at our camp. It is a small piece of land, once an island, in the middle of a salt marsh at the mouth of the Medway River. A road across the front edge now joins it to two peninsulas. We first bought it when we really couldn't afford it and tortured ourselves and the kids with camping with a screened dining tent and 3 small sleeping tents, none of which really prevented leaks or the fog from drifting on through. Our first year, we did all the cooking and cleaning on top of the cooler, squatting to eat.
Ten years later, we have two secure buildings, a screen porch where we cook, clean and relax and a bunkhouse where we have a very fine futon bed/couch with a small folding table, a washing shelf and a lovely breeze. The best part is a screen door that locks shut. Or maybe the roof that doesn't leak in strong storms.
Despite the secure roof and door, Cleo Belle refused to come out from under the shawl. The vinyl roof does flap in a high wind and the torrential rain does make a huge noise. She only came out for essentials, in other words, food.

This summer is a bit pale in comparison to last summer, when we were able to be at the site for July and August with parts of September as well. So far we have been up for a couple of weekends and one 5 day week. We will be there the remainder of August if it doesn't rain too much. I don't mind a day of rain or several days of fog, but once I can't dry the dishes because everything is soaking, it's time to go home. The cat thinks so too. Steve is reluctant.

Last Sunday was Steve's birthday and it was pouring. Usually we try to go for a day's road trip to see areas of the province that are new to us. We had brunch at a new 'general store'. The Port Medway General store has been in operation for at least 108 years and has had a restaurant of some fashion for a while now. Before, deep fried everything. Now, food that tastes and looks good, nice selection and really great service. That was fun. We then decided that instead of going back to the camp and doing the drive in the afternoon, when we would likely look out at the rain and say Naa, we headed to Port Mouton (Port Sheep because early explorers lost a sheep overboard or they tossed someone overboard who was super annoying). The new and clever store that was supposed to be there wasn't. Instead we went to the beach there, very pretty and enjoyed it through the windows of the car. Mosquitos under trees love the rain and anyone silly enough to walk there. It was a bit of a confused celebration because Steve's gift is coming sometime in the mail from the States, we weren't sure if he would be home from Ottawa on time, so no cake ordered, and the kids had to call by cell phone but we were out of minutes. Lucas managed to beat all expectations by calling early and talking for a good bit. That was super nice for Steve. We bought a cake at Superstore. They just don't improve do they?
We had a nice pasta dinner, cake, beer and scotch to wind up. Normally we don't eat in the bunkhouse, but the wind was so strong, the table and chairs were soaked, cooking was tricky and I was whining. Hero Steve cooked his own dinner and brought it over. I set the table.
Some of the infrastructure needs repair. Steve was bringing the canoe in and the middle portion of the dock collapsed. Not hurt so much as annoyed that we can't ignore it any longer. Guess what we'll be doing next week?

I have been stitching, spinning and knitting booties all week, but in my lazy frame of mind, forgot to take many pictures. Next week, I anticipate being so lazy, I'm not taking the camera at all.
I received this little box when a friend was cleaning out her parent's house. It had been used to hold paints and brushes. It perfectly holds my Etui (sewing bits and bobs) as well as my favourite hoop, some threads and a small project.
This poor doll, VineGirl4, has been in production for two or more years. We are nearing completion.
 And that's it. Could be a quicky next week, no camera, no goals, no studio time, only lovely breezes, books galore, knitting booties, watching Steve cook and repair the dock, watching the cat sleep, hearing myself snoring. Eating chocolate. I hope your week is as lazy as mine better be.

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