Monday, February 11, 2019

2 p.m. appears out of nowhere

Does that happen to you? I'm working away on tons of things and all of a sudden it is mid-afternoon. There is no way that I am going to be able to complete even a quarter of my list. It didn't help that Steve whispered the magic words, "Do you want to go to the library for a book and a treat?"

I flew off the chair at that. Our local library has an amazing coffee shop and very nice seating. A book was on hold for me there and the shop where I get my tea is just around the corner. Off we trotted and had a very nice hour.

Back at home, Steve's sweater stares at me. The collar is finished, but the sleeves still need sewing on.

The shirt is finished and he is wearing it on this -17 day. It is a nice flannel almost a light wool kind of warmness to it.

The back looks pretty good also. I knit the watch cap for Steve for his birthday and he hardly takes it off these days. I'm not sure if he is cold or realizes his hair is in terrible need of a haircut, or if he is channeling Mike from the Monkeys.

I did manage to sneak in a quick t-shirt for myself on Sunday. It is meant for spring and fall, the neck is too open to be warm enough for winter. The fold line down the centre of the shirt better wash out! I thought it would iron out. If it stays, I might have to decorate or spill spaghetti down my front in a careful way.

As well, Steve asked me if I could mend a pair of jeans that had one leg hanging off by a few threads. I tossed them out then felt guilty. I had seen a post on turning jean legs into small baskets with fabric scraps. I pulled the jeans out of the garbage and made 4. There are some folks or students who might like a piece of Steve to throw things at.

It may seem as if there isn't any stitching or studio related events going on here, and in a way you are right. But I have sent off a collection of poems to a competition and groomed a four part story into a 5000 word short story. I think it is hilarious. Lots of sailing mishaps. Now I have to think where to send it to. It is all part of my ongoing creative project to be famous at something.

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